Configuring Your Player

Configuration guide

Now that Aesop Player is installed on your tablet (see Getting started) it's time to fine-tune the configuration to match the user.

Some considerations before you start:


  1. Accessing Settings
  2. Configure user interface features
  3. Configure playback features
  4. Configure Android System settings

Accessing Settings

When Aesop is first installed, you can access its settings by simply tapping the Settings ("gear") icon. Since one of the objectives of Aesop is simplicity for users with physical limitations, accidentally and unexpectedly entering Settings mode is not desirable. One of the settings discussed in detail in the Dedicated Player section is Settings Mode Access Interlock. It changes what must be done to access Settings mode. If the interlock is enabled, when you tap the settings icon there will be popups on the screen guiding you on what needs to be done to access settings.

Look also at Maintenance Mode if you expect to be temporarily entering and exiting Settings frequently.

Configure User Interface Features

Once you have entered Settings (above), you'll see an Android Settings screen. Besides the Playback Settings (a sub-screen) you'll see several items, each discussed below. These are either on/off or radio buttons.

Some of the features exist to make the device easier to use for certain users. Individual users will have different limitations, and thus customizing these settings may help them better use Aesop.

There are several additional "settings" that are just informational.

Button Delay

Button Delay desensitizes the Start and Stop functions for a selectable interval after they are tapped. For users with shaky hands, this keeps accidental presses from being interpreted as additional presses of the buttons. A countdown (in seconds) is displayed for the longer delays. The default is "Normal", which is 2 seconds.

Some users can see motion or change where they can't perceive a static image. This setting causes the Start and Stop buttons to blink their text. The default is "Normal", a sedate but noticeable blink rate.

Awaken on Proximity Detector

The display is by far the largest drain on the battery, so it's a good idea to set a short display timeout when running on battery. However some users find the light from the display helpful, so with this feature enabled, the display will light when the user passes a hand near the device, no tap is required.

Color Theme

The default colors are designed to be easy to read, but in some cases it would be helpful to have extremely high contrast. The High Contrast color theme converts most text into white on black (or occasionally black on white), with colors used for a few buttons.

Screen Orientation

Aesop always uses a "landscape" (horizontal) layout on user screens. The default of "Landscape Auto" is usually what's needed - it will align itself to the orientation of the device. The display can also be locked into either of the two possible landscape alignments, which is particularly useful on devices with smart covers, so the display aligns with the cover conveniently.

New Features Available

When a new version of Aesop Player with important new features is installed (usually automatically by the Play Store), this setting will appear as the topmost setting (in green). Bug fix updates will happen silently.

Clicking on this provides a very short summary of the new features, a link to the The Future section of this web site, and a control to configure how such notifications will appear in the future. The "None" setting prevents any notification, the default "Settings Only" is this behavior, or you can choose to have a notification displayed on the Books screen in addition. (The display on the Books screen doesn't occur in Maintenance Mode.)

Once you have entered the "New Features Available" screen, it will no longer be visible at the top of the Settings screen. The version information and settings are always available as "New Version Information" near the bottom of the main Settings screen.

Send Diagnostic and Usage Information

When the Aesop Player starts the first time, it asks whether Diagnostic and Usage information should be uploaded. This is where you can change your decision about this. What you do here will have no effect on how the player works, but if something goes wrong it will give us some more information to work with. As we say in the Privacy Policy we don't gather any Personally Identifiable Information. (We don't track anything even as simple as what books you read.) Whether you do this is wholly your choice, but we encourage it so we have some idea of which features are popular and working well, and what's broken.

If you wish to, you can wait until you have a crash or other problem, and then turn it on. Of course, you'll have to repeat the problem for us to see it. If you're running the player with neither WiFi nor Cellular, there's no way to send that information to us, so if you have the option of turning one of those on, you will have to do that. If that's not possible, we'll still try to look into it if you send us mail, but we'll need a careful description of the problem so we can reproduce it.

Configure Playback Features

Aesop Player offers several settings that allow useful customization such as playback speed, volume, sleep timer and the like on this sub-screen.

Jump Back When Resuming Playback

When playback is paused or stopped, it's easy to lose context of the story. Aesop will automatically back up 5, 15, 30 or 45 seconds (default is 5) when restarting.

Sleep Timer

It's easy to fall asleep while listening to a story. You can have Aesop stop playing (and fade out, not just stop) after a selectable interval between 30 seconds and 20 minutes. The timer is reset each time the device is shaken enough. This works nicely with the jump back feature.

Two finger swipe to stop points

Sometimes it is useful to be able to back up to the last place you restarted playing. If this is enabled, you can use a two-finger swipe to the left (or right) to back up through a list of recent stop points. This is described in more detail here.

Playback Speed

This is an alternative (but somewhat limited) access to the Playback Speed setting discussed here. Short snippets of the current book will be played for each speed (the book position will not change).

Adjust Volume and Speed Switches

These are used to enable or disable the volume and speed controls that can be used while a book is playing. They are discussed in detail here.

Pause on Face Down

Playback, once started, can be paused or stopped by turning the device face-down, which is an easy gesture to learn. If this presents a problem, it can be disabled here.

Many users also find it nice to be able to resume playback by turning the device face-up again (if it was stopped by turning it face-down). That option is also enabled here.

Fast-forward/rewind sound

The sound associated with using the fast-forward and rewind feature can be disabled here if the sound is irritating. It is also used by the stop points feature.

Android System Settings

There are also several settings for the Android System that affect the use of Aesop. These are discussed below. Unfortunately, various Android releases, and Android vendor customizations, cause the exact process of changing specific settings to be different on different devices. These descriptions are "typical". Many Android systems offer a "Search" option (with a magnifying glass) to search settings if you can't easily find where the provider has put a specific setting.

The section on creating a Dedicated Player talks about the setting specific to that.

Easy switch on

The screen-on buttons on the side of tablets are usually quite small and may be difficult to locate and press by people with poor vision or motor skills.

There are several other ways to switch the screen on. The availability of each option depends on the device's sensors and available accessories, so you need to figure out what's best.

Proximity Detector
The Aesop feature to use the Proximity Detector to turn on the screen is a simple solution presuming the device has a Proximity Detector. Most devices have at least some capability since it also is used to turn off the screen when using the device as a phone.
"Smart" cover
A "smart" cover is a cover that enables the screen when it's open. It usually requires support from the tablet itself. The screen orientation may be locked in Aesop Player settings to align with the cover.
Double-tap screen-off gesture
Some devices offer screen-off gestures; they can be configured to switch on after double-tapping the screen.
Tactile Home button
Some devices, notably those from Samsung, have a tactile Home button at the front below the screen. This button may be easier to use than the power button.
Choose the best available method of switching the screen on so that the device is easy to use.

Disable WiFi to preserve battery

Aesop Player doesn't need Internet access while playing books. However, it does need Internet access when downloading books, if you do that (see Managing Books for details). WiFi (or cellular) access is also needed if remotely controlling the device.

When a new version of the Aesop Player is released to the Play Store, it won't be updated if there is no WiFi connection. You will need to turn on the WiFi connection for a while if you want to get an update.

If WiFi or cellular is not needed, you can disable WiFi and cellular connection (in phones) so that the battery lasts longer.

The easiest way to disable cellular is probably to enable the "airplane mode". Many devices will allow you to re-enable WiFi after entering "airplane mode", if you need WiFi but not cellular.